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Happy connections with friends
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Friends Having Coffee

Individual Coaching

I recommend weekly coaching sessions for the first 12 weeks as a means of facilitating trust and consistency and building momentum for measurable growth and healing. Most people benefit from a second set of 12 weekly sessions to really explore and solidify the changes they are experiencing.


*Individual sessions are 55 minutes. and $175 per session. 

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Story Groups

I facilitate group story work. Offerings include groups for lay/ministry leaders and men’s groups. Groups generally meet

for 9 sessions.

*Group sessions are 90 minutes.


Chatting Over Coffee


I offer intensives for those who are unable to commit to weekly meetings or are interested in engaging their story in a concentrated amount of time. 


*Intensives are typically 4-6 hours

split over a two day period. An Intensive is equivalent to 4-6 weeks of individual sessions.



“If we don’t tell our stories, our stories will tell us. Our stories impact us unconsciously or consciously. It’s up to us to decide if we will be passive recipients or active agents in the shaping of our lives.” 


Dr. Dan Allender

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